7 Simple Ways to Connect with God on a Deeper Daily Basis

 An electrifying vocalist once said, “there’s nothing like a shock to the system.” That vocalist is American rock artist Chris Daughtry.  

The verse rings true in any form of lack in this world.  

There are many who search for a revolutionary change in their lives. A new high, a stimulating encounter with forward progress or goals being set and conquered. However, many if not all these structures built upon emotional success and gratification cannot stand atop unstable foundations.  

How can someone identify a poorly constructed foundation for life? Simple, if you yourself were the designer.  

As Christians, we are laborers. We build upon the blueprints of another.  

God’s word is the most solid foundation for life to ever be established.  

In fact, the word was established before life began. 

So, when we want to reach a goal, talk to someone new, or just understand what exactly it is God wants us to do with our time and focus, we must incorporate daily habits into our lives to better:  

  • Connect with God  
  • Trust in God  
  • Listen to God 

Here are 7 simple, effective daily practices that can help anyone develop a deeper connection with our Heavenly Father. To give that necessary shock to our spiritual system. 

After sharing each practice, I’ll offer some insight into my own personal growth committing to these habits. 

#1: Scheduled Prayer & Bible Study

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ~ “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for us.” 

I do not care when or for how long (for your sake please make it a decent time), this MUST be a daily occurrence. No exceptions! 

Scheduling a time dedicated to God and His word everyday will certainly deepen your walk with Christ.  

This will develop not only better Bible memory and sensitivity to prayer as the ultimate answer to life’s joy and struggles but will transform just a want for God to also a need for God.  

Think about that, a fix or obsession that’s good for you in every aspect! 

You will gain much wisdom, insight and understanding the more you intentionally read the Bible and invite the Holy Spirit into your personal thoughts.  

The more time spent in prayer, the more you’ll truly know and rely on your Savior.  

Personally, this daily habit rings true more than anything else in life.  

Not only do I remember scripture more, but I can apply it to any struggle (for I know God’s with me wherever I go, Joshua 1:9), any temptation (by Jesus’ example as from Matthew Chapter 4), and never to look to the world’s continuing change in culture and dynamic for answers and wise decision making (for we do not submit to the ways of a sinful world, Romans 12:2). 

Being in the will of God means first seeking His presence, this must be an earnest effort on our part if we expect any growth. 

#2: Walk & Talk

Luke 24:13-15 ~ “That very day two of them were going to a village named Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and they were talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing together, Jesus himself drew near and went with them.” 

 Taking a walk down the road or even around the square footage of your room can allow for an opportunity to get more personal with God.  

Yes, Jesus is Lord, He is God, but He’s also a close friend who wants to talk with you.  

A long time ago I learned that prayer is just conversation with God. 

You don’t need big words or even the entire picture of what you’re talking about. He knows everything from the beginning of time to the very end.  

He knows you better than you know yourself, a circumstance, or another person. 

It can be important or “unimportant” topics, just talk to your Heavenly Father. 

As we continue reading past Luke 24:13-15 we discover that the two men didn’t recognize Jesus. They were too upset about His death a few days prior, they had no idea the risen Christ was walking right beside them.  

Rather than revealing who He is right away, Jesus asked them questions and listened to their thoughts, even though He knew the answers before they were spoken.  

He knows everything about them and yet He wanted to listen intently.  

I recommend you, whenever you can, walk with God and spill your thoughts out. 

The faith, the doubt and every secret thing, He wants you to tell Him everything.  

Of course I’m not perfect with this one, I’ll admit, but I do make the effort to shut every device off and have a quiet time to connect with the Holy Spirit daily, no further agenda. 

The one thing I don’t look forward to when it comes to these walks is when It’s over and I head back inside. 

There’s something about connecting with God in this subtle manner during a time where electronic devices are most of the population’s personal therapist. 

If you ask me, they’re horrible at their job and should be fired immediately. 

This time with God is treasurable, yet we can do it anytime, anywhere. 

#3: A Meeting Place

Matthew 6:6 ~ “But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” 

1+2 = 3, right? Well same goes for this list. 

The concept of practice #1 + practice #2 is equivalent to practice #3 

It’s a great idea to organize a specific place for your time with God. 

You don’t have to be married to the exact spot because households move, parks get repurposed and weather may permit.  

But it’s always more beneficial than not to have a specific place you can retreat to be alone with God as well as engage in spiritual warfare. 

A close friend of mine says his meeting place with God is a specific street a few minutes away from his house. 

A place where he can park his car and spill his day out to Jesus.  

It all goes back to the intension to genuinely seek God and grow in the knowledge of Him.  

No one else needs to be present. No one else needs to know.  

Find a quiet place and let your thoughts and prayers be made known to an all knowing, loving God.  

#4: Fasting

Matthew 4:1-4 ~ “Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. And the tempter came and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.” But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”” 

When I say fasting, I don’t just mean food. 

A full day of fasting every single day isn’t good for anyone.  

Fasting means to give something up for a certain amount of time to focus on your need of God’s strength and provision. 

I’ve fasted food once a week, I’ve fasted from other passions and hobbies as well. Sometimes it’s difficult because I have specific goals in mind but connecting with God is a far more beneficial trade of time and energy. 

When the world recommends fasting, I’m not so sure what the end goal is.  

Maybe it’s for better appearance? Performance? Healing?  

All the above is most likely the answer. 

Certainly, the end goal isn’t better reflection of God and His character, rather selfish ambition or lustful intensions.  

When Jesus fasted, He did it with the intent to connect better with the Spirit of our Heavenly Father. After all, God was leading Him into battle against the devil. 

It was done so Jesus could be even more prepared for this spiritual conflict. 

Fasting from meals (occasionally), fasting from work once a week (that’s one of His commands in fact), and especially fasting from other tasks and desires that we consider more important than God. I know we don’t like to admit it, but we all slip into this sin.  

Thankfully, our God is good and gives us endless opportunities to change our motives and prioritize Him. 

So why should fasting (of anything) be a daily occurrence? Perhaps so you can… get into His word, spend time in prayer and/or go for a walk and talk!? 

A progressive world obsessed with the forward progress of money, success and relationships tend to stimulate our lives more than the word of God does, and ultimately whose fault is that? 

God’s always here, He’s not going anywhere. SO, SPEND QUALITY TIME WITH HIM, I CAN’T STRESS THIS ENOUGH! 

#5: Write Your Thoughts and Prayers Out

Psalm 19:14 ~ “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight. O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” 

Writing is such a useful skill. 

I could go on about the benefits it provides in the form of job opportunities, better organization and creative thinking.  

But really, the best thing writing has done for me (beside give me a job), is provide an outlet to pour my thoughts out of my brain and secure them for another time.  

We’re busy beings, life can be daunting.  

Not every thought or good intention will stick with us. 

That’s why I recommend the busy brains to jot down your thoughts, prayers and ideas down in a journal, loose paper, or especially your Bible.  

A used Bible is a healthy Bible, mark it up, highlight, personalize your time in God’s word.  

Find a blank page in your Bible and write out a prayer list. This list can be for yourself, a loved one, or a list of people you want to remember to pray for and to be reminded of through prayer requests. 

Christians want to remember everyone in their prayers, but there’s not enough time in the day for most of us to get through all the people who fill are hearts and minds.  

God always hears your prayers, whether they’re vocalized or not.  

I once had a journal where I wrote letters to Jesus, expressing praise and deep prayers for someone’s well-being.  

I left this journal open each night for Jesus to read when I was asleep. 

It helped me to release my thoughts for the day and rest easy during the night, knowing God not only hears every word, but reads every word. 

Write your prayers out, place it in your daily habits, and let the Spirit work through you.

#6: Where Two or More Are Gathered, The Connection Becomes Far Deeper

Matthew 18:20 ~ “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”” 

Plain and simple. Jesus literally promises His presence amid just two or more Christians. 

It’s so important to have a Church congregation to grow in the knowledge of Christ with. To work in unity as the church body, in hopes of resembling more of the works and image of Christ.  

Surround yourself with fellow believers who are walking with the Holy Spirit as much as you are and want to be.  

We lift each other up the bible says.  

“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!” ~ Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 

I wouldn’t be the man and Christian I am today without my brothers and sisters in Christ I met in church, college and even on social media (please don’t make social media your only outlet for Christain friends).  

If not already, get into a church, get heavily involved in that church and get personal with those who want to grow with you.  

#7: Bring Jesus Along for the Ride in Everything You Do!

Colossians 3:23-24 ~ “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” 

In other words, have Christ in mind in everything you do.  

This one’s my absolute favorite to share with others. 

To me, it doesn’t matter if it’s a spiritual activity, just walking to a college class, getting something to eat or even just taking a break and watching a movie. Whatever you do, involve Jesus. 

I’m literally telling you to continually hang out with Jesus. By doing this, you’ll not only ask yourself “is what I’m doing right now honoring the Lord?” but you’ll be stronger in fighting off temptations to sin. 

Acknowledging the continual presence of the Holy Spirit will provide a better outlet for output in your day to day.   

If you follow the other six practices, this one will come all the easier with wisdom and discernment. 

Give the Lord your intensions for the day and let Him have complete editorial rights to your plans. 

Once I intended to have quality time with God before bed, but first I was going to finish the final episode of season two of the show Lost. Before that, I talked with God, made the plan and said amen, and… Netflix “decided” not to work for the rest of the night.  

God wanted more time with me in His word, and I knew it right away. What was going to be a simple night of watching Netflix then getting into God’s word turned into more time in Christian writing and then creating my own project that kept me up all night. All worth it though, sleep doesn’t matter if it’s substituted with Spirit driven work. 

Please have a healthy sleep cycle, I only do this stunt once a year tops. 

Remember to rest but also remember to let the Lord do what He wants, it’s always better and more fulfilling than your shows anyway. 

A trained bend towards the will of God is more beneficial than any life goal or self-help remedy the world could offer.  

God’s presence within you is due to the sacrificial love Jesus performed and fulfilled for all of us. His Holy Spirit is our pulse, please make the choice to electrify and elevate that lifeline. 

May these healthy practices deepen your relationship with our Father in Heaven, heighten your desire for Jesus’ loving presence, and give you a Holy shock to your core. 

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